Social Jukebox’s Tim Fargo on SaaS eCommerce, and the importance of customer service for 2xGrowth in 5 months (episode 059)

Tim Fargo is the founder of Social Jukebox aka Tweet Jukebox – yes we’re diving into the world of SaaS (that’s software as a service) today. Social Jukebox is a cloud-based software system for managing your twitter activity, there is a simple free option, then a range of subscription packages depending on how much you want to do. Social Jukebox launched in 2014 and as we record now in March 2016 they have 28,789 users, 1,033 are paying.

Click to Tweet: Give the @eComMasterPlan #podcast a spin it’s all about Software as a Service, featuring Tim Fargo of Social Jukebox

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Tim Fargo of Social Jukebox
About the business

  • eCommerce Business Structure – Software as a Service
  • A cloud based app
  • Launched on Twitter now expanded to LinkedIn and Facebook
  • 1 person in the business – the tech development is outsourced

Listen to hear how Tim Fargo got started in eCommerce

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

Tim is happy that his business is growing really organically – he is yet to spend any money on advertising.  The are obviously prominent on social media but in terms of marketing it has been very low key.

Listen to hear more about Social Jukebox’s business model

On the Radar for the Coming Months

Social Jukebox is in the middle of rolling out their new platform at the moment. But Tim has big plans for the future. He’d like to build a service that will take all the content that is placed into Social Jukebox and populate your own website. It would rotate the content and keep the site looking fresh.

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

eCommerce Book Top Tip

Anything you want by Derek Sivers

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

Tim believes that execution is a form of marketing and as part of that his top marketing tricks is to make sure you do what you say you are going to do, delivering on your promises.

Tool Top Tip

Tim recommends Keep – he uses it as a diary it can include photographs, notes and sound clips.

Start Up Top Tip

Don’t try and find a new market or create a new market – he suggests you don’t try and do something new but instead find a market that is not being serviced properly and fill the gap.

If your business didn’t exist, which eCommerce Business Would you like to be Running?

A business that allows people in a particular area to rent their capital equipment to their neighbours.

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