Want to be a guest on the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast?
If you work at or own an eCommerce business (or you’ve written an excellent book on eCommerce), and you want to be a guest on a top podcast that’s listened to by people running eCommerce websites – then you’re in the right place.
[You can also apply to our sister show Keep Optimising here
where we focus on individual marketing topics]
We record our podcast episodes in batches, and keeping track of potential guests between batches is challenging!
So we now ask everyone to submit their application via this page.
The content below should help you work out if you (or the person you’re pitching) are a good fit for the show.
AND help you to give us the information we need to be able to get back to you with a “hell, yeah we want you on the show!”.
- Read the info below
- If you think you probably fit – apply!
I hope I get to interview you soon

The eCommerce MasterPlan Audience are:
- eCommerce business owners, running their own website (and possibly physical store, marketplace, or catalogue as well) selling physical products to consumers and / or businesses
- Marketers and senior team members working at eCommerce businesses
- With sales from 50k to 50m a year
- This includes subscription and DTC
- And they’re tuning in to hear an interesting story about how another eCommerce business has done it!
The audience includes, but we don’t target content at FBA sellers, wannabes, eBay traders, SaaS companies, website agencies, marketing agencies, and crowdfunders.
We are looking for THREE types of guest:
- Retailers & brands
The bulk of our interviews are with people running their own eCommerce operation, or on the senior team.
If you are a retailer on this page – apply now!!!! We don’t hear from enough of you. We want you. So long as your site’s been up and running for at least a few months, and you’ve got something to talk about, and Chloe thinks it sounds interesting (hard to predict that one sorry!) then you’re in. - Authors
If you’ve written a book that’s highly relevant to our audience – we’re interested. You MUST be selling the book on Amazon as a paperback AND an ebook, and we WILL check your reviews in the UK and USA before offering you a recording slot. - Masterclass Guests
If you’ve got a topic you believe our audience just HAS to hear about, we might release it as one of our ‘masterclass’ episodes. We release one about every 5 episodes – and you can increase your chances of being booked by ticking the “I’m willing to pay for a guest slot” box on the form.
Our content focus
We’re hoping to help and inspire our audience to do two things:
- make their business more successful – whatever “success” means to them
- inspire our audience to make their business more sustainable and get on the path to Net Zero.
So your application should include both:
- what you’ve done to make your business more successful
- what you’ve done to make your business (or your customers) more sustainable – could be as small as changing the light bulbs in the warehouse, or as full-on as being a B Corp and only selling second hand goods
Confident you fit the bill?