Honest Brew’s Nejc Skoberne talks Customer-focused Growth Hacking and selling beer online (episode 068)

Nejc Skoberne is the lead growth marketer of Honest Brew which is the UK’s largest craft beer club. They stock over 120 different craft beers, and have a range of subscription options. They’ve been in existence since May 2014 and now have 20,000 paying customers, including 3,000 active subscribers.

Click to Tweet: Nejc Skoberne on @eComMasterPlan #podcast talking about eCommerce, subscription, start-up Honest Brew’s journey.

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Nejc Skoberne of Honest Brew
About the business

  • eCommerce Business Structure – Online Only
  • Product Range Scale – niche
  • On a WooCommerce platform
  • 11 people in the business – everything except web development is undertaken in house
  • Based in the UK, selling the UK only
  • Key widgets in the website:

Listen to hear how Nejc Skoberne got started in eCommerce

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

Nejc thinks the most awesome thing in the business right now is how they differentiate themselves from the competitors. Each of their subscribers have different tastes – they don’t group their customers by these – every  subscriber receives a completely unique box. Their initial questionnaire helps them to establish their customer’s general taste in beer, and then following each box they can feedback their experience of the beers they’ve tried which all adds into the data about the individual customers and therefore the beers that will be included in their next box.

Listen to hear more about how Honest Brew are honing their marketing strategy

On the Radar for the Coming Months

Honest Brew are currently in the middle of launching their new marketing strategy. The team are looking more at native ads and content as a marketing strategy. They are currently establishing what type of content is appropriate to their market – they are looking at their target markets and how they can reach them.

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

Key Tips on Growing Traffic

Nejc’s number 1 tip is before you do anything ensure that your product is right for the customers and you can do this by talking to people that are passionate about your product.

Nejc recommends creating a community start with the customers you spoke to about your products. They are already passionate about your product and introducing a referral programme came help you incentivse them to talk about you even more. Honest Brew don’t like to rely heavily on their marketing budget so they really focus on creating a community of “super inviters” who are very passionate about the product. These “super inviters” are invited to various brewery related events and given merchandise which keeps them really happy and ensures they continue to recommend the business.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

From Zero to One by Peter Thiel

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

Nejc believes that paid advertising on Facebook still doesn’t get the press it deserves.

Tool Top Tip

The Honest Brew team use Trello – Nejc says it’s the only thing that keeps them sane and on top of what they need to be doing.

Start Up Top Tip

Nejc suggests before you start a business find 10 friends and tell them about your business and see if they would buy your product.

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