Any Old Lights’ Nick Griffiths focusing on SEO led to 5x growth in the last 6 months (episode 064)

Nick Griffiths is co-owner of Any Old Lights, a bricks and clicks retailer specialising in vintage and new maritime and industrial lighting, as well as maritime collectibles. They took their first online sale in 2014 the website now turns over about £25,000 per month which is up 5x since last year.

Click to Tweet: Nick Griffiths credits Any Old Lights incredible growth to SEO – hear all about it on @eComMasterPlan

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Nick Griffiths of Any Old Lights
About the business

Listen to hear how Nick Griffiths got started in eCommerce

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

Nick thinks the most awesome thing about the business at the moment is the amount of growth they’ve maintained since November 2015.

Listen to hear more about how Nick uses blogging to help with SEO….

eCommerce Book Top Tip

Bowie on Bowie: Interviews and Encounters by Sean Egar

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

Nick says it’s all about SEO, if you’re on the 1st page of Google you’ll just see a lot of traffic. Although Nick doesn’t have a magic button for the complexities of SEO he recommends regular blogging as a starting point.  He also uses wincher which helps you track where your keywords feature on Google and provides competitor comparison.

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

Tool Top Tip

The Any Old Lights team communicate mainly through email as long as it is written down Nick knows what he’s got to do.

Start Up Top Tip

To source the right product, find the right product and make sure you are not entering into a saturated market. Research your market and your competitors and when you are sure start work on your eCommerce website.

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