JGS What is your top tip for growing an eCommerce business in 2022? (episode 368)

One of our famous expert mash-up episodes! Each of our guests has been asked for their top tip for eCommerce Success in 2022.

“What is your top tip for growing an eCommerce business in 2022?”

We’ve been doing these episodes every January since we started – and this year the answers are even more useful and inspiring than normal. We cover a LOT of topics in this show a MUST LISTEN for your planning for 2022.

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Chris Dawson from Tamebay

Marketplaces continue to be important, but social media platforms are going to be more important than ever.

  • Social media platforms and messaging apps like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp are new ways to market to customers and complete a transaction with them.
  • Video is going to be key, whether it’s live streaming or having a video alongside photos on your product listing.

Tim Richardson from Your Basket is Empty

Tim gives four major tips for 2022.

  • Build a community.
  • Have an authentic purpose.
  • Consider live commerce.
  • Learn, explore, and understand NFTs.

Luke Hodgson of eCommerce Thinking & High Cohesion

Invest on the right things this 2022.

  • Invest in your in-house tech capabilities.
  • Hire and train people who will make up your tech team.

Ben Marks from shopware AG

Focus on flexibility and agility for your business.

  • Have the right eCommerce platform that’s ready for change and can change quickly.
  • Additionally, have good data analysis on your customers.

Arlen Robinson from OSI Affiliate Software

This marketing strategy can give you the competitive advantage you need.

  • Embrace word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Establish a clear referral program and an affiliate program.
  • Incentivize your customers.

Rytis Lauris from Omnisend

Advertising costs have gone up, so here’s what you need to do to rise above the challenging situation.

  • Own the relationship with your customers.
  • First-party data, zero-party data, and retention marketing are going to be key in making sure your business becomes profitable this year and in the coming years.

Sue Monhait of Gift Biz Unwrapped

Utilize complimentary and integrated strategies to make your business stronger and more successful this year.

  • Focus a portion of your marketing strategy offline and off social.
  • Social media is still important for online marketing, but its limitations shouldn’t leave you scrambling.
  • Incorporate activities like email marketing and in-person events with your online strategies instead of making them stand-alone campaigns.

Jamie Huskisson of JH

Have a holistic approach to make 2022 a successful year for your business and everyone involved.

  • Come up with a strategy or plan that you intentionally design for this year and the years ahead.
  • Let your external agencies know about your plan.
  • Get your internal teams aligned to your strategy so they know what to focus on.

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