Generating €5 Million in Online Sales through Sustainable Fashion with Kalle Sjöholm, Dedicated (episode 461)

Kalle Sjöholm is the eCommerce manager at Swedish fashion brand Dedicated. Founded as an environmental retail chain in 2006, Dedicated is now selling from 3 stores in Sweden, various retailers around the world, and globally via its Centra eCommerce store. In total they did sales of just under 10 million euros in 2022 about half via the eCommerce store.

Kalle Sjöholm Dedicated on eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast

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Dive in:

[04:27] Selling clothes with sustainability focus.
[06:44] Action over talk, prioritise sustainability in practice.
[09:36] Office team with production, design, eCommerce, and sustainability.
[13:34] Understanding the team and questioning the choice of platform.
[16:59] Season is important despite world instability.
[19:47] Collaboration key.
[23:08] Insights on brand structure and collaborations.

About Kalle

Kalle, the eCommerce Manager at Dedicated, got into eCommerce after working in the restaurant business. Since getting into the industry, he shares that eCommerce has become his passion.

The Dedicated Brand

  • Based in Stockholm
  • Sells worldwide
  • With 700 retailers selling their products

For Kalle, selling through retailers is a complementary strategy to boost brand visibility alongside their eCommerce operations.

Sustainability Focus

Dedicated is committed to sustainability in fashion. They offer a wide range of clothing with a focus on people and the planet. Their approach involves fair working conditions, eco-friendly materials, and mindful shipping and packaging choices.

Kalle says sustainability is a continuous journey. He emphasizes the need to take real action rather than just talk about it. Dedicated aims to be a brand that genuinely makes a positive impact by implementing sustainable practices.

They are also improving communication to tell customers about their sustainability efforts and encourage conscious choices.

Team Structure

At Dedicated, the team consists of around 20 people at the office, divided into various departments. The eCommerce team is the largest, comprising seven to eight in-house members. While they handle core brand quality elements in-house, they outsource tasks that are more mechanical in nature.

The company also has a sustainability specialist. She does yearly reports and factory research, ensuring they make conscious choices in all they do. Sustainability is a collective responsibility, but this specialist focuses on maintaining and improving the brand’s sustainability efforts.

Plant Friday, not Black Friday

Dedicated takes a unique approach to Black Friday. They don’t participate in traditional Black Friday discounting.

Instead, they have their own initiative called “Plant Friday.” Throughout Black Friday week, they partner with an organization called One Tree Planted. For each order, trees are planted instead of giving discounts.

This approach aligns with their sustainability values and has been successful for several years.

Upcoming Collaborations

Kalle is excited about the upcoming season and has recently launched a new collection. They have significant partnerships coming up, like one with Nonviolence, an organization that works to reduce violence.  This collaboration aims to raise awareness and contribute to positive social change.

Despite global challenges like inflation and conflict, they are optimistic about the season ahead.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

  • Look into affiliate programs. It’s a low-risk channel where you only pay out when you see results. To find good affiliate partners, Kalle suggests collaborating with sites or brands that align with your business and already have an audience interested in your products. Collaborating with these partners can help you stand out in the affiliate marketing space.

Tool Top Tip

  • Dedicated works with the company Hello Retail to automate the visual merchandising of products in their feed. This automation frees up team members for more valuable tasks.

Carbon Top Tip

  • Focus on packaging. Dedicated ensures that all packaging is 100% recyclable and eco-friendly. They also educate customers on recycling practices to minimize harm to nature.

Interview Links

*Thank you to Treyd for the guest recommendation!

Related episodes

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  • Doubling Sales in a Year as a Fashion Brand with Stacey Grant-Canham, Black & Beech (episode 458)

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