#supportUkraine podcast episode notes 💛💙

This bonus episode is our response to what’s happening in Ukraine.

It’s VERY low-fi – no jingles, no ads, and edited by me!!! Because I wanted to get it out fast (this is hitting the airwaves a mere 2 hours after we recorded it) because we’re putting it out on multiple podcasts AND because it just feels totally wrong to put ads in an episode like this.

So what’s this episode about?

Earlier this week someone with brilliant eCommerce experience reached out to see if I’d be up for sharing what he and his team are doing to help in Ukraine – in his words “to help the professional network to fight this war”.

So we’re going to talk about how those eCommerce skills are being leveraged to help

And we’re also going to share how you can help Matteo and his team, AND I’ll share a couple of other clever ways to help that I’ve come across recently.

Now, yes, we are doing an episode on a war. BUT if you’re a regular listener you’ll know my way of coping with big scary things is to get practical – so this is not going to be a ‘guilt-trip you into donating’ infomercial – more a celebration of some of the amazing people and things that are happening in response to the awfulness.

My aim is for this to be an inspiring and hopeful episode, not one that will make you sad. None of us needs more sadness.


Things you can do to help: