Creating a business she loves, and making the customers happy with Roberta of Scrubz Body (episode 184)

Roberta Perry is the founder of Scrubz Body an online and physical store selling skin care products. Roberta launched the business in June 2006, and is currently on track to have her best year ever, with a turn over of $150k.

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Scrubz body Podcast
About the business

  • Based in the USA
  • Selling worldwide
  • On WooCommerce
  • Plugins: Askimet, Anti-Spam, Recart

How eCommerce Found Roberta

Way back before Roberta got into the world of eCommerce, she was a stay-at-home mom who did various types of freelancing in her spare time. However, she found this way of working to be quite taxing and realized that she needed a change. Without even realizing that she was creating a marketable product, Roberta created a scrub simply because she had dry skin and couldn’t find the right scrub for her. Her late sister suggested they start selling it, and things took off from there.

Listen to be inspired by the accidental start of a prospering business.

The Evolution of Scrubz Body

The physical store did not come to fruition until five years into Roberta’s eCommerce endeavor. For the first six months, Roberta and her sister created product in her home kitchen, then converted her garage into a mini factory. Once the business grew to be too big for Roberta’s home, she and her sister rented out a space simply for the extra storage. The customers of Scrubz Body noticed the address change, saw that it was a convenient pickup for them, and expressed interest in coming to the physical location. This prompted Roberta and her sister to decorate the place, gradually transforming it into a complete store. Their business model shifted from eCommerce and wholesale to retail and they began to introduce in-store massage services and parties for customers to create their own scents. Roberta quickly became addicted to the idea of getting to know and serving her customers, which inevitably introduced her to a growing customer base.

The Team

Scrubz Body has grown over the years, evolving from a two-women show to a team of four part-time employees assisting Roberta as she works full time. She outsources help for social media, except for Facebook, newsletters, and blog posts, which she still maintains herself for the sake of authenticity. Roberta finds that her time is most valuable spent doing the things she excels at, and if she can get someone else to cover other areas then it is always well worth the investment.

Listen to learn about the benefits of outsourcing where it makes sense.

The Most Awesome Thing Right Now

The people are the most awesome part of Scrubz Body. More than anything, Roberta is proud of her company’s ability and dedication to delivering excellent customer service. She is humbled by her product, but she is proud of her repeat business due to continued deliverance of top notch customer service.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

  • Email is not dead! Newsletter communication allows for an authentic, story-based outlet for building relationships with customers that may lead to conversions, but doesn’t necessarily come across as heavily sales-based.

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

Tool Top Tip

  • Dropbox is a very convenient, efficient way to share material and stay on the same page with content.

Growth Top Tip

  • Kindly ask for reviews from satisfied customers to gain trust in the community and grow organically.

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