Janet Murray on how you can do your own PR, 4 key ways get great coverage for your eCommerce business (episode 62)

Every once in a while I like to get a guest on who’s not a retailer, but who knows a huge amount about an area that you all keep asking me about! This week we’re really lucky to have Janet Murray on the show – Janet is a journalist and PR expert. I heard her speak at the NMEU conference back in June and I knew I had to get her on the show.

“How do I do PR?” is certainly in the top 3 questions I get asked most often. When I saw Janet run through her incredibly efficient and practical approach to getting BIG coverage I knew I had to have her on the show.  Janet is also the author of “Your Press Release is Breaking my Heart: A Totally unconventional guide to selling your story in the media

Click to Tweet: Get the scoop – how to create a PR buzz for your business – the @eComMasterPlan #podcast  with Janet Murray

Listen to hear how Janet Murray got started in PR

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Janet Murray - PR Expert
Areas we discussed

  • When to use a PR agency.
  • Tips for finding the right PR agency.
  • Why you should include PR in your marketing mix.
  • The questions you need to ask yourself before you get started.
  • Where to find journalists that are already looking for stories – low hanging fruit.
  • Making yourself more visible to journalists.
  • How to piggy back on current news stories.
  • When you should take part in giveaways.

Listen to hear all the details.

Useful PR Links

Interview Links





