Michael E Gerber, author of Beyond the eMyth and small business guru talks eCommerce with Chloë (episode 89)

Today’s guest is Michael E Gerber, author of over 28 business books, including the E-Myth itself which has sold over 5 million copies, and was named (all the way back in 1995, by the Wall Street Journal as the Bestselling Business book of all time.

It’s also one of the most recommended books by the guests on this very podcast.

In December last year Michael’s latest book launched – it’s called Beyond the eMyth, and it’s the focus of our interview today.

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beyond the emyth
About the Book

  • Beyond the eMyth
  • Beyond the E Myth cuts to the chase and reduces the process down to the most simple and critical steps that an entrepreneur must take to go from a company of one to a scalable business.
  • Read Chloë’s review here

Listen to learn the difference between an entrepreneur and a solopreneur; and oldco vs newco.

Mistakes to Avoid

Thinking too small and not seeing the total picture beyond your experience, thinking about income instead of equity, and trading something you don’t know for something you do know.

Listen to learn about the blank piece of paper in the beginner’s mind.

The Most Influential Person


Michael is highly influenced by Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s. If Kroc, a fifty-two-year-old with no experience can do it, anyone can.

Listen to hear more about Kroc’s entrepreneurial passion.

The Foundation

An entrepreneur must have a dream, a vision, a purpose, and a mission as the foundation of their newco.

Listen to learn about client acquisition and the three-legged stool.

Top Tip

  • Think of an eCommerce business as a brick and mortar business.

Interview Links