Experts View 3: The Key to eCommerce Success in 2016 (episode 033)

Here at eCommerce MasterPlan we’re kicking off 2016 with three Experts View podcast shows, where are handpicked groups of experts share their thoughts on the follow topics. Today our last Expert View episode goes live, so can listen to all 3 right now:

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experts view 3

As the full transcript is available for this show, we’re just provding the outline and key links here on the shownotes page.

Ernest Capbert:

Ernest used to run his own eCommerce business, but in 2015 came over to the supplier side launching his business Who Buys your Stuff

  • Start by using data to better understand your customer (listen to hear how to use the data to the maximum effect)

Andrew Wilson:

Andrew is a consultant with an impressive background in the Mail Order sector, and he also runs his own eCommerce business Allergy Best Buys (we did a whole podcast interview with Andrew about this back in 2015).

  • Think Brand not just product

Chris Dawson:

Chris is co-founder and editor of Tamebay, prior to that he was a full time eBay seller for over eight years making his living by trading on the platform.

  • Adapt to the changing marketplaces – both to go international and to open up more sales channels at home

Alex O’Byrne:

Alex is co-founder of WeMakeWebsites who are officially the UK’s highest rated Shopify web designers.

  • Email and automation

Chloë Thomas, Host:

  • It’s all about the customer – The Customer Journey, the Customer Segments, and Customer Service