Bonus: Customer Attraction Tips with Shopify 3: 20 Ways to Increase your Email Signs Ups

Here is the final of our series of 3 bonus episodes “Customer Attraction Tips” presented by Chloë Thomas of in association with Shopify.


This bonus series is kindly sponsored by Shopify, find out more about them and the deal we’ve agreed here.

Today we’re focusing on the end goal of it all – getting the email address. With our 20 Ways to Increase your Customer Email Sign Ups

Our bonus episdoes will be covering:

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20 Ways to Increase your Email Signs Ups

In this podcast I take you through:

The Basic Email Sign Up Must Dos:

1.    Ask for the sign up
2.    Put your sign up form in your footer
3.    Use a sign up form that works
4.    Use a form that automatically puts the new emails into your system
5.    Ask for as little information as possible
a.    2 stage sign ups
6.    Be trust worthy – safe data statement
7.    Be trust worthy – clear privacy policy
8.    Promise something
9.    Explain what they’ll get, clearly

Using clever tech to get more email sign ups:

10.    Put your sign up form In more than one place
11.    Have a pop up

Incentivising people to sign up:

12.    Incentivise signing up and encourage an order at the same time
13.    Incentivise signing up for the sake of getting the email
14.    Incentivise signing up and continue the conversation at the same time

Getting Email sign ups from places other than your website:

15.    Twitter email sign ups
16.    Change the call to action on your Facebook page
17.    Advertise for email sign ups to previous site visitors
18.    Ask during human interactions – in the shop, on the phone, over customer services comms
19.    Sign up competitions with good-fit partners
20.    Optimise