The Latest SEO Tips for 2023 with Freddie Chatt, founder Village Cricket Co (episode 436)

Freddie Chatt is the founder of Village Cricket Co, a WooCommerce site launched in 2020 to sell affordable Cricket gear. Their primary growth engine over the last 3 years has been SEO and content marketing and that’s got them on track to pass £100k in sales this year.

Freddie Chatt Village Cricket Co on eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast

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About Freddie

When Freddie dropped out of university, he says he got lucky when he landed a job at an eCommerce company called Amara. He worked as a general digital marketing assistant, where he covered different channels and gained broad knowledge before eventually focusing on SEO.

He moved to launch his own eCommerce store when his bat broke, and he found that the prices of cricket bats were relatively high. He initially looked for other options, which eventually turned into research on how bats are made. He got an opportunity to have some sample bats sent over from India that were effectively more affordable.

After testing the bats with friends and becoming redundant at work, Freddie decided to go freelance and start Village Cricket Co.

About Village Cricket Co

  • Based in Essex, south of England
  • Ships mainly to the UK or around the area, but has also shipped to Europe and the US
  • Is on WooCommerce 

Village Cricket Co started out selling bats but has since expanded into other cricket gear such as pads and gloves, as well as garden cricket sets.

Freddie generally does everything himself in the business but outsources the copywriting and content writing.

Starting Out with SEO

For SEO, Freddie started with keywords and finding out what their audience was searching for. He opted to target long-tail keywords that had much less competition and for which they could rank more easily and quickly.

He also worked on getting links to build up their authority. Freddie knew they had a unique story, and he managed to secure interviews in various cricket publications that resulted in relevant links.

Link Building for eCommerce

Freddie says that for eCommerce brands selling giftable products, his main strategy is reaching out to journalists who have written gift guides in the past. For him, this is a great way of securing high authority status and obtaining opportunities to get some links.

Find out when publications came out with their gift guides from the previous year and get in front of them as early as possible. Getting on the right people’s radar to have your products featured is the key thing.

More SEO Tips

For SEO, have a consistent approach for the whole year. For Village Cricket Co, Freddie says there’s a slightly harder push for links and such during the summer because it’s when their product is most used.

When it comes to keyword research, Freddie does this for almost every individual product they’ve released. For their cricket bats, he did a lot of research at the start, then revisited what he had put in place after a year to see if there were any changes.

In general, once a year, check to see if there are new keywords that have become relevant in your space or how keywords have changed in terms of difficulty and search volumes.


Cricket bats are made from willow trees, so Freddie acknowledges that that is not a great start to sustainability. However, both in the UK and India, replanting of willow trees is done to ensure enough supply and that there is no damage to the environment.

Freddie also mentions that considerations were made in their supply chain. They use cashmere willow sourced directly from India, and this means that their bats are only shipped once, instead of going back and forth if they went with English willow.

On the packaging side, they use recycled and recyclable materials for their products.

Lastly, Freddie says they’re starting to look at a cricket exchange program where people can donate their old cricket gear and recycle them into something else rather than just throw them out.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

  • It’s SEO for Freddie, and he adds that before you get into it, make sure you’re really confident in your product. Test other channels first if there’s demand or interest, but as a long-term strategy, SEO is perfect.

Tool Top Tip

Growth Top Tip

  • Talk to your customers because this will help improve your messaging and boost your conversion rate.

Interview Links

Head over to sister podcast Keep Optimising for more on SEO

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