Salt Tea Anyone? Great Partnership Example

This morning I found a great example of Partnership Marketing in my inbox.

It’s an email from Clipper Teas (if you like interesting teas, and haven’t yet tried the Clipper range you really should!), and it has a competition in it to win a gift pack of Cornish Sea Salt. Like Clipper the Cornish Sea Salt brand appeals to the upmarket, artisan, foodie – you’re highly likely to see both products in the same kitchen!

Clipper Tea and Sea Salt

Although you wouldn’t immediately think of tea when you think of salt (or vice versa), both brands are appealing to the same customer segment when they’re thinking food and health. That makes them a perfect partnership.

How are they leveraging this partnership?

Simple really.

It’s a competition, you enter to win some of Cornish Sea Salt’s products. This competition is not just promoted on Clipper’s email, it’s also on their website and Facebook (and I’m sure they’ll be promoting it on other social media too) so it’s going to help Clipper increase their email database.

The sign form allows you to sign up to Cornish Sea Salt as well:

Sign up option

So both halves of the partnership are collected customer data, as well as building brand awareness.

Plus on the competition page there’s also a link to Cornish Sea Salt. With that and the social media there should be some SEO benefits for Cornish Sea Salt too.

(if you want to enter, or sign up to Clipper tea’s emails – they do some great partnerships – go here).


Can you think of another business or brand your customers might be thinking about at the same time they think of you?

Why not partner with them?