Mastering the Art of Public Speaking with Look Fabulous Forever’s Janis Thomas  (episode 496)

Janis Thomas is the Managing Director at Look Fabulous Forever, an innovative cosmetics and skincare brand designed to meet the needs of older women. They’re a UK DTC brand selling globally to a customer base often ignored by the DTC world, which they’re serving via a Magento site. Founded in 2013, Janis has been driving the growth strategy for just over 4 years, they’re currently doing millions a year, and working towards double figure millions. 

Janis Thomas Look Fabulous Forever on eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast

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[04:22] Public speaking requires practice and training. 
[07:06] Start with your passion, genuine enthusiasm, expertise not necessary. 
[11:49] Network at events, build LinkedIn profile. 
[15:15] Prepare, know your content, pitch confidently. 
[17:01] Structure helps, no script, rehearse after drafting. 
[21:23] Prepare for presentation with personal methods/questions. 
[22:50] Understanding what audience and organizer want is key. 
[34:13] Prepare answers, involve audience, prime for questions. 
[35:23] Listen to Janis’ Top Tips! 

Importance of Public Speaking for Professional Growth 

Public speaking is a key tool for professional development. By honing your ability to present with passion and clarity, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field. Janis shares her own experiences and also talks about how public speaking can open up new opportunities and help build a strong professional network. Ultimately, effective public speaking allows you to not only share your knowledge and ideas but also inspire and influence your audience, propelling you forward in your career. 

Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking 

Those who are hesitant about public speaking should rethink their potential. Janis says they should recognize that even the best speakers weren’t naturally gifted but improved through consistent effort. She suggests that, with the right preparation, most people can become effective public speakers. She encourages individuals to start by putting themselves forward for speaking opportunities and experimenting with different roles such as asking questions, moderating panels, or giving keynote speeches, to find what suits them best. This approach helps them gain confidence and improve their speaking skills over time. 

Where to Start Your Speaking Journey 

Janis advises aspiring public speakers to start by identifying topics they are passionate about, as enthusiasm and genuine interest make it easier to engage an audience. She adds that one does not need to be an expert to speak; sharing personal perspectives and opinions is valuable. Focus on subjects you care about and are willing to research, as this passion will be infectious to listeners. She also highlights the importance of starting small, finding relevant events that align with your interests, and recognizing that the goal is to share your viewpoint rather than provide exhaustive expertise. 

Preparation Tips 

Preparation involves thorough research and data collection, crafting a clear structure for the talk with key points and a narrative arc, and using slides to support the flow. Instead of memorizing a script, Janis suggests using bullet points to maintain natural delivery and conducting multiple rehearsals to refine the presentation. She emphasizes the importance of logistics, such as knowing the event details and having backup plans, and advises dressing comfortably yet distinctively to make a positive impression. Finally, she stresses being adaptable and supportive of event organizers, which increases the likelihood of being invited back. 

Crafting Your Message and Mastering Delivery 

Beyond preparation tips, Janis emphasizes the importance of crafting a clear, concise message. Ask yourself, “What are the 3-4 key takeaways you want your audience to remember?”  Storytelling is another key element. Weaving narratives into your presentation will not only engage your listeners but also make the information more memorable. Delivery is just as crucial. Rehearsing your presentation out loud allows you to refine your timing, ensure a smooth flow, and identify areas that might need work.

eCommerce Book Top Tip 

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip 

  • For Janis, it’s full-funnel marketing. Consider the entire customer journey and relationship building for successful conversion. 

Tool Top Tip 

Carbon Top Tip 

  • Look at reducing the carbon footprint by rethinking return policies, such as allowing customers to keep or pass on items instead of returning them, especially if the return rate is low, to balance costs and goodwill. 

Interview links 

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The little podcast I kicked off in 2015 will reach episode 500 this summer… and we’re going BIG with the celebrations.

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