eCommerce Marketing – 1 Year Since Publication!

I can’t quite believe it, but this Saturday (13th September 2014) it will be a whole year since we published eCommerce Marketing: How to Drive Traffic that Buys to your Website.

eCommerce Marketing Contents

eCommerce Marketing 1 year oldIs it still up to date?

Earlier this month I re-read it cover to cover, and I can confirm it’s still 100% up to date – so you can still rely on it on as your little marketing planning helper!

Whichever marketing challenge you’re facing you can confidently dip in to any of the 9 chapters and get great advice.

Don’t take my word for it – the reviewers here and on Amazon love it!

But what is it about?

In the last year we’ve created a fair few tools to answer that one for you:

Which leaves the only other question – where can you get a copy for yourself?

Lot’s of places, of course!

Let me know what you think!