{"id":7213,"date":"2016-08-11T11:40:05","date_gmt":"2016-08-11T10:40:05","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/ecommercemasterplan.com\/?p=7213"},"modified":"2020-11-20T10:59:21","modified_gmt":"2020-11-20T10:59:21","slug":"pr-simpler-think","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/ecommercemasterplan.com\/pr-simpler-think\/","title":{"rendered":"Why PR is simpler than you think it is"},"content":{"rendered":"

It was great to get Janet Murray onto the podcast<\/a> to share her tips for doing your own PR.<\/p>\n

The interview was pretty myth-busting, no big agency fees, and tools that are freely accessible to all. In many ways it turned our normal concept of PR on its head. And turned it into a marketing method that will really help with your SEO too!<\/p>\n


The idea behind Janet’s methods fit very neatly with the ideas expressed in Ryan Holiday’s Trust me I’m Lying (featured in our recent book review podcast episode<\/a>).<\/p>\n

That the newspaper and other websites that we’re all trying to get on are desperate for stories and content, journalists are stretched really thin and they really need our help!<\/p>\n

There were 2 key ways to help the journalists that I took from the interview. Both of these you can do for free.<\/p>\n

Keep an eye on what the journalists need right now<\/h2>\n

This just involves regularly checking a couple of places where journalists ask for help:<\/p>\n