Why I wanted to include these books in my eCommerce Book Event
Today and tomorrow I’ve bought together the authors of a selection of awesome eCommerce books.
We’ve each reduced the price of our Kindle ebooks to just 1.99 (be that $,£, Euros or whatever it is on the other Amazon sites!), and we’re busy promoting the offer page so we can help 100s, if not 1,000s of eCommerce businesses to find their path to growth and success.
Here is why I chose each of them to be a part of the event.

Mel Henson – Flicks & Clicks. How to create websites and catalogues that sell more.
Mel is an absolute ace in the copywriting.
It’s very hard to sell anything in eCommerce without great copy. But investing in the skill of copywriting is often overlooked.
This may have been originally published in 2011 but every word remains really relevant.
Mel Hanson’s Flicks & Clicks is a 155 page introduction to the non-technical aspects of web design and sales catalogues which carries far more information than many volumes four times the size. Some of this information — AIDA, brand basics, and so on — is well known to anyone with a bit of marketing background. Other parts of it, such as the standard anatomy of a selling website, are information which is very hard to track down, presented in a clear, authoritative way which is very easy to apply.
5 star Amazon.co.uk review
Mark Hammersley, Ian Hammersley – Ultimate Guide To E-commerce Growth: 7 Unexpected KPIs To Scale An E-commerce Shop To £10 Million Plus
I’ve seen Ian present the lessons from this book several times in recent months, I’ve had him on the podcast to talk about the book, and I keep finding myself telling people to buy it!
I’m a fan.
It’s refreshing to see a completely new way to look at the same data I’ve looked at for years. Analysing the key KPIs and removing the emotion from business decisions seems so simple but it something that is rarely done. This book is my bible now.
5 star Amazon.co.uk review
Chloe Thomas – eCommerce Marketing: How to Get Traffic That BUYS to your Website
This is my brand new book – only published on Monday and already over 800 copies sold!!
I’m really excited to see it help lots of online retailers improve their traffic, sales, and profits.
This outstanding new book is the work of a true master – within minutes I could start seeing more clearly weaknesses that I need to overcome and opportunities to enhance customer experience to increase revenues.
5 star Amazon.co.uk review
Matt Isherwood – Designing Ecommerce Websites: A UX Design Handbook for Great Online Shops
Matt is an awesome eCommerce UX freelancer, how he found the time to distill his knowledge so clearly into this awesome book is beyond me.
He’s been on the podcast a couple of times now and never fails to bring great insight – so his book was a must-include from the start of this project.
Excellent, easy to understand yet comprehensive guide to designing e-commerce websites.
5 Star Amazon.com review
I’m a small business owner, and Matt’s book helped me develop a vision and list of “must haves” and “don’t dos” for our e-commerce site. I have been able to more effectively communicate with our designer and developer, ask good questions, and use correct terminology when suggesting changes etc.
Chris Lynch – The Truth About SEO: How to survive online in a world of robots, demons, influencers, and spiders
Chris and I go back about a decade, long enough that I was still project managing new eCommerce website builds! One of the biggest of which I worked with Chris on.
He was on the podcast earlier this year talking about his SEO book – and a great mix of strategy, practical things and advice it is too.
A really good easy read that went into enough detail without being a book for geeks only! Highly recommended to anybody looking into SEO or trying to understand what their team do
Amazon.co.uk 5 star review
Chloe Thomas – Customer Persuasion
Another of my books… Customer Persuasion is the sister book to eCommerce Marketing so it was an obvious choice to add to this offer.
It takes the Customer MasterPlan Model I use in eCommerce Marketing, and takes it far beyond just driving traffic.
This brilliant new book by Chloe Thomas helps you focus on what matters most. It is written for the practicing e-commerce marketer, someone who is serious about getting results.
5 star review on Amazon.com
Joris Bryon – Kill Your Conversion Killers with The Dexter Method™: A Pragmatic Approach to Conversion Optimization for E-Commerce
Joris is a fellow eCommerce Podcast host (eCommerce Excellence), and sooner or later he’ll be on my eCommerce podcast to talk about this excellent book.
Man, oh man, this book is so worth it. Joris Bryon’s writing is sharp, to-the-point, and best of all, educational. This book showed me that I was doing it all wrong, all the obvious mistakes I’ve made, and has offered pragmatic methods instead.
5 star Amazon.com review
Mark Hammersley – The Business Owner’s Guide To Google Shopping: How To Do More With Less With Google Shopping
Whilst sorting out everything to put Ultimate Guide to eCommerce Growth in the promotion, the Hammersley brothers mentioned they had a second book they could reduce for all of you – so it was a no-brainer to include it!
Mandatory reading for anyone doing Google Shopping. In fact you’re nuts if you don’t read this in light of how much money one ends up spending on Google Shopping.
5 star review on Amazon.com
Chloe Thomas – eCommerce Delivery
A late addition as one of my intended authors couldn’t get their publisher to reduce the price. So you get my guide to making your delivery activity work for you.
Small but perfectly formed book – everything you need, nothing you don’t. Chloe is a great writer, who has a real world understanding of e-commerce. She is my go-to person before I do anything in this field.
5 star review Amazon.co.uk