When one product should be 2 [Case study – Supperlicious]

Supperlicious is a great example of an Online Only eCommerce Business Structure.

They are targeting time-starved people who still want to eat well but have neither the time nor the spare brain power to find those tasty new recipes and great produce. It takes the veg-box idea to another level – delivering everything you need to cook a number of meals each week.

SupperliciousAt the moment their USP is the Product they deliver – it’s a new solution in the marketplace. But in the future it will become the customer service that sits around the delivery of those products.

I’ve come across Supperlicious as a friend of mine recommended them this week on Facebook – and as a time-poor person who is always interested in tasty food(!) it caught my eye and I had to have a look…

Product Selection

Supperlicious Product ImageAt the moment Supperlicious have a nicely focused product range, there’s not a great deal of choice but there doesn’t need to be. Remember the target is time-poor people, so the target market want a quick and easy solution – having to look through a load of product options isn’t going to appeal.

Plus, they have a nice upsell of a Fruit bag for £8.

When one product should be 2

Only last night with one of my single friends, over a fairly dull tuna pasta bake, I was bemoaning the uninteresting nature of cooking for one. There are only so many frozen portions of spaghetti Bolognese and microwave meals you can take each week! So I was really excited when I spotted the recommendation for Supperlicious on Facebook this morning…

But that excitement has been dashed – there’s no Supper Bag for us singletons.

Right now in the UK single-person households occupy 34% of the housing stock – that’s a LOT of people! A huge chunk of the time-poor, food-obsessed marketplace to be ignoring.

The chances are that if I ordered one of the Supper Bags, I could freeze the left overs or have them for lunch the next day – so right now the productis fit for that 34% of the marketplace. It just needs a re-skinning!

So, exactly the same product – just with a different name and a different description:

  • “The Duo Supper Bag – 3 Suppers for 2 People” becomes “The Solo Supper Bag – 6 Suppers, only cook 3 times”

Very simple, no new processes to create, just an extra page on the website – and a whole new market opens up.

Can you do this in your business?

What niches in your marketplace are you missing?

Can you tweak an existing product to appeal to them too?

I’d love to hear how you get on!