Versakini’s Kelsey Duffey discusses launching a new fashion swimwear brand PR, Instagram, wholesale (episode 093)

Kelsey Duffy is the founder of Versakini an online only and wholesale eCommerce store. They design and sell a unique take on the bikini. Launched in Summer 2015 the 2016 collection has sold over 1,000 units.

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About the business

  • eCommerce Business Structure – Online Only & Wholesale
  • Product Range Scale – niche
  • On Shopify for eCommerce, wordpress for blogging
  • Located in South Florida, but sells internationally
  • Team of 10 – including designer Amanda Perna from Project Runway. They outsource PR, third party sales efforts representatives, and social media management.

Listen to learn about Kelsey’s dream widget and how it might be closer to reality than we think.

Freedom with Fashion

Versakini’s beautiful bikinis bring mix’n’match to a whole new level, allowing women to actually disconnect the left and right sides of their bikini tops and interchange them with other pieces in the collection. It gives women a sense of freedom in that they are the designer, and Versakini is just giving them the pieces. The customer chooses the style and color, then can see the animation on how to mix and match the pieces. The more pieces you collect, the more unique looks you can create.

Versakini isn’t only fashion, it’s also a concept. They have to teach the consumer how to use it.

Listen to learn more about how they educate the customer to buy and use Versakini bikinis

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

The growth, reaction, and engagement are all most awesome things right now. Kelsey enjoys finding her customer and seeing their excitement, and being able to reach her audience.

Balancing Wholesale and eCommerce

For the fashion industry, wholesale and eCommerce go hand-in-hand. They sell to a consumer, the consumer shares, and as the social activity becomes more active, the wholesale side picks up on it. Follow social media influencers. See where the trend is, and follow the buyers.

Listen to learn more about what’s coming up for Versakini in terms of other beach accessories.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

Listen to learn why Nasty Gal is required reading material for employees of Versakini.

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

  • Instagram

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

Tool Top Tip

As used at eCommerce MasterPlan!

Start Up Top Tip

  • Have a great product and name.
  • Design your website for mobile first, then roll out to Desktop.

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