Sugru’s Linda Muck on the importance of analytics and driving traffic to an online only eCommerce business (episode 002)
How to grow your eCommerce Business, join us as Linda Muck from Sugru shares her key tips.
Linda Muck is the eCommerce Manager at Sugru looking after the marketing and website for the Sugru eCommerce business.
Sugru is an Online Only eCommerce business with a thriving wholesale arm which sells all over the world.
You can only buy one product – Sugru itself, which is a mouldable glue that sets into a rubber, a very useful addition to any toolkit. They sit at the far niche end of the product range scale. Giving them a very specific challenges and opportunities.
Click to tweet: Hear how Linda Muck runs the international marketing of eCommerce business Sugru @eComMasterPlan Podcast today
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About the business
- eCommerce Business Structure – Online Only (with a strong Wholesale side)
- Product Range Scale – VERY niche
- On a bespoke Ruby on the Rails platform
- 1 million customers worldwide
- 50 people in the business
- Based in the UK, sell globally
- Key widgets in the website:
- Trust Pilot – for reviews
- Yeildify – overlays to increase conversion
- Dotmailer – for email
Most Awesome Thing Right Now
Just launched a funding campaign on Crowdcube, going really well, and the majority of the initial investors are from Sugru’s own community – their own customers.
Now working on how to leverage that brand awareness and interest to drive sales.
Using Google Adwords (Keywords, Remarketing, and YouTube pre-roll ads) to drive sales, and capitalise on word of mouth growth.
Just getting deep into Facebook Advertising, leveraging the power of knowing who your customer is and how to find more of them. Linda’s tip – find the side angles, look at the target customer’s whole life not just the interests directly related to your product.
On the Radar for the Coming Months
Xmas and Black Friday plans!
Recently launch a brand awareness campaign “Domestic Ninjas” – so very focused on leveraing the online marketing tools to grow sales on the back of the campaign. Check it out here (there’s an offer for your first purchase too…)
eCommerce Book Top Tip
- Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster by Alistair Croll
eCommerce Traffic Top Tip
- Facebook – sponsored posts
Tool Top Tip
- Facebook Mobile Ad Manager App for your iphone / android
- Super Metrics – automatically pull data from Google Analytics into a spreadsheet (excel and Google Spreadsheets supported)
Start Up Top Tip
- Get the analytics in place right from the start, so you have the data you need in the future
If your business didn’t exist, which eCommerce Business Would you like to be Running?
- H&M – fascinated by Fashion eCommerce at the moment, shop their a lot and would love to fix the things they’re not doing. Live abandoned basket emails!