Making the Most of the Storms #Openforbusiness
Whilst lots of us in the UK are really suffering from the weather, floods and storms, it can cause non-reality related weather issues!
For example a lot of business down here near eCMP HQ in Cornwall are suffering not because of the storms but because of the BBC’s blanket coverage that we’re “cut off”. Which isn’t true.
So the tourist board have pulled together this video, and grabbed the hashtag #openforbusiness to show the world that we’re ready for Half Term and the Summer.
Now, this is a non-eCommerce marketing example – but how can you turn a bad news story on it’s head to harness social media to drive traffic to your business?
What stats can you use to prove the reality (eg 95% travel to Cornwall by car – only the trains are effected)
Who can you group together with to build the story?