JustFab.co.uk – 3 Great Takeaways for Any eCommerce Business

Just Fab is a new eCommerce import to the UK from America. It’s a fashion retailer with a business model that’s part made.com, part Achica, part Poundland, and very Brittania Music! Somehow that combination works.

I’m going to run through how they operate, then give you 3 things they do really well that any eCommerce business would do well to copy.

site justfabAt it’s core Just Fab is a designer shoes and handbags retailer with a twist that’s how they price, and how they sell:

  • a la Achica: it’s a membership site – so you have to sign up before you can buy
  • a la Britannia Music: you may be charged even if you don’t buy. On the 1st of the month they send out your shoe and handbag selection and you have until the 5th to place your order (or decline to purchase), or you’ll be charged £35 (which is held as a credit for next time you want to buy)
  • a la Poundland: everything is £35 – all the shoes and all the handbags
  • a la Made.com: the reason these styles are so cheap is that they go direct to the manufacturer, and work to big focused order volumes

In addition to this, as you sign up you are taken through a style-personality test, so they can ‘hand-pick’ the right shoes for you each month.

Obligatory photo of shoes
Obligatory photo of shoes

It is a fascinating model (backed up with great branding and some fantastic content as well), so I strongly suggest you go and take a look.

In the meantime though…

Chloë’s 3 Just Fab Takeaways:

There’s a lot of ideas on this site, but I’ve whittled it down to the 3 that fairly quickly any eCommerce business should be able to use this Christmas:

Turn the banal into an exciting selling point:

site just fab banal to excitingThere is nothing exciting about this list of “Member Perks”, it’s basically just a Ronseal list. But they’ve gathered together key things they do anyway and turned it into a list of perks – perks just for their members. A list that increases trust, and removes key barriers to conversion (price of returns, postage etc).

Many eCommerce businesses have great ‘perks’ like these just hidden in the Ts and Cs somewhere – so find yours and start shouting about them!

Making the Complex Appear Simple

site just fab complex looks simpleThe membership buying process (the Britannia Music part) is pretty complicated – there’s dates to remember, and opt outs to fill in. Again Just Fab have turned what could be a very turgid set of Ts and Cs into a clear, and compelling reason to sign up.

So where in your site are you hiding the simple behind a text wall of complexity? Solve that and conversions will increase.

Fixed Price Promotions

site just fab promo ideaThe big customer acquisition message that Just Fab are using (everywhere – TV, print, website, social media – the lot) is “all styles £35”.

It’s simple, it’s easy to understand, and it doesn’t involve discounting anything! But it is still very very compelling.

Next time you’re running a promotion or a discount (or even a Stocking Fillers campaign), consider putting all the products at the same price. Rather than “Stocking Fillers up to £5”, do “Stocking Fillers £5 each”. It’s much easier for the customer to understand.

Have you got any other ideas from Just Fab? Or are you already using any of these tips? Let me know below.