Google Shopping Paid Ads [Infographic]
So, we know Google Shopping in the UK is moving over to the Paid-Only option – but what does that mean?
Well, this infographic quickly summarises the results found by US retailers last autumn. If you can get over the fact it’s not going to be free traffic anymore, then there are some great opportunities to be had…
For those not in know, Google Shopping is the collective name for the product results you see in the Google Search Results. When you see the picture of a product, with it’s name and price – that’s a Google Shopping result.
Those are powered by a feed (think a very large spreadsheet) of information provided to Google by the relevant merchant (aka ecommerce site owner). By the summer in the UK the only way you’re going to be able to get your products appearing in the search results is to the pay for each click on those products, until now all the traffic was free. If you want to know more about these changes read my other blogs on the subject, OR sign up for my FREE webinar on the 31st January (if you can’t make that time, please still sign up as I’ll be emailing the video to everyone who can’t make it).
In the US this change happened in 2012. Rather than compare results to the “free” traffic you could get before the change (which is rather pointless because you can’t do anything about it), this infographic compares the results to PPC activity.
The paid Google Shopping advertising (or Product Listing Ads – PLAs for short) will be running through the Google Adwords system, and appear in the same space as normal PPC text ads. So comparing the performance is this way makes a lot of sense – especially when you see the results:
- Click through rates – double what the text ads are generating
- Revenue up 102%
- Cost per Conversion down 22%
- Cost per click down 36%
What does this mean for us, what can we take from it?
Well – that we’re about to gain a VERY cost effective method of advertising on Google.
Want to know more? Sign up for the webinar
Source: via Chloë