Google Analytics Online Workshop
Google Analytics is something I’m always being asked about:
- What reports should I look at?
- How should be be using it to improve my business?
- Is it set up right?
I’ve put together an online workshop series to answer those questions and show all eCommerce businesses just how they should be using their Google Analytics. We’ve all got an analytics account – but is it set up right? And are we looking at the right things?
This workshop series will answer those questions for you, and more.
What’s in the Google Analytics Online Workshop series?
It’s split into 3 one-hour workshops that we suggest you work through over a 3 week period. Plus, some bonus how-to videos.
At the end of the 3 sessions you’ll be ready to use your Google Analytics account to get you the data you need, swiftly! Saving you time, and bringing you actionable insights that you can use to improve your business.
Session 1: Making sure Google Analytics is set up Correctly
Wouldn’t it be nice to know the data is right, and that you can just get on with analysing? That’s what we’re going to cover in Session 1, including:
- *Linking your Google Analytics account with your Google Adwords account
- *Linking your Google Analytics account with your Google Webmaster Tools account
- Columns settings
- IP exclusions and Profiles
- Site Search tracking
- *eCommerce tracking
We’ll cover why you need to each, and exactly how to do it. For some of the more complex set ups (*’d above) there are bonus videos with step by step guides on how to do it.
Session 2: Understanding the Key Reports
We’ll look at exactly which reports you should be looking at and how you should be analysing them. Including:
- The metrics to care about, and the ones to ignore
- Basket funnels
- Traffic Sources
- Keywords
- SEO performance
- Site search
- Content performance
We’ll also provide you with a clear checklist of which reports to look at when, and what questions to ask.
Session 3: Automating it for Efficiency
Looking at all those reports takes a lot of time, and there’s a lot that we can set up in Analytics to make it really quick and easy. That’s what session 3 is all about. We’re going to show you how to use some key tools within Analytics to bring the data you need to see to you at the frequency you want it. This will include:
- Custom reports
- Advanced Segments
What isn’t included in the workshop series?
There are literally 1,000s of things you can do with Google Analytics – some of them get very very complex. We’re steering clear of all those, just looking at the reports and functionality that will quickly and simply deliver you the information you need to improve your website and marketing.
We’re sticking to the simple things that make the most difference. But these are still areas that most businesses fail to look at!
This workshop series will put you ahead of your competition.
Where and When?
Everything is available online – so you can consume the training at your own speed, from the comfort of your own desk!
You can access to all the training outlined above for just £50 (+ VAT as applicable)
To get access fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you with an invoice, once that’s settled your access will be set up:
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’GA Course Invoice Request’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Please invoice me £50+VAT for access to the course’ type=’checkbox’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]