Garage Flex’s Alasdair Broom on using eCommerce to satisfy and recruit more customers (episode 054)

Alastair Broom founder of Garage Flex. Alastair and his team design and install perfect garage storage solutions. 3 years ago they started selling their modular products online, and today the online side averages £5,000 per month – and attracts new customers into the core design and install side of the business.

Click to Tweet: @eComMasterPlan #podcast how Alastair Broom of GarageFlex organised his multiple new websites and business rebrand

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Alastair Bloom of Garage Flex
About the business

Listen to hear how Alastair Broom got started in eCommerce

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

Alastair thinks the most awesome thing about his business right now is the recent rebranding. The exercise was time consuming and costly but also very exciting.  For their rebranding Alastair used Simon Gregory of Clear and Creative who he would recommend.

Listen to hear more about how Alastair manages his stock levels across multiple channels

On the Radar for the Coming Months

On Alastair’s to-do list for the moment is to finalise his supplier lists ensuring he is getting the best possible quality in the quantities that he requires. He is also looking for more people to join his growing team as sales consultants and carpenters.  Whilst increasing Garage Flex’s product range in line with customer requests.

You can hear about all this on the podcast, for free – right now…

Top Tips on Rebranding your Business

Alastair says to be careful to not underestimate the scale of the project and how much man power you will need.  It has taken Alstair and his team 4 months to get the rebranding to where it is now.  Alastair would suggest using an expert to help you – he says you need to really strip back and explore exactly what its is you do, the problems you solve.  The expert will then have all the information they need to help you with your brand direction – the whole exercise cost Garage Flex between £4,000 – £5,000.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

eCommerce Masterplan 1.8 by Chloë Thomas & The Beer Mat Entrepreneur by Mike Southerned

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

Alastair’s traffic top tip is re-marketing through Google Adwords, he thinks a lot of people don’t understand what it is and what it does – but it is a great tool for generating traffic.

Tool Top Tip

The Garage Flex team use Zoho for their CRM they find it really helpful especially for integrating their marketing.

Start Up Top Tip

Alastair recommends that if you are starting an eCommerce business, don’t procrastinate, get your site built, launch it and then tweak it afterwards.

If your business didn’t exist, which eCommerce Business Would you like to be Running?

John Lewis

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