Marketing Emails Top and Tail Text

There is certain text it is worth putting at the top and bottom of your marketing emails, here’s what I recommend:

Put at the Top:

Preview Pane Text {left aligned}
Please add {insert email you’re sending from here} to your Safe Senders List.
If you can’t see the images please click here {link to online version of the HTML email}
View on a mobile {link to online version of the text email}

Put at the Tail (bottom):

{Unsubscribe link}
This email was sent to: {insert email address sent to}
{Limited Company name, address, number and region you are registered in}*
{Terms and Conditions of any promotion in the email}
Contact us: {customer service contact details}
{plus social media links}

*If you are a limited company you MUST include this information. If the contact details are different to the ones the customer needs to use then state the right ones too.

Last Updated: 23/8/12