eCommerce Start up Tips from our 2015 Podcast Guests
Whilst preparing the 2015 Highlights shows I realised just how good our interviewees eCommerce Start Up Tips were – so I thought I’d compile them into a blog post for you all.
These are mainly useful for someone starting their eCommerce business – but, there’s a lot we can all learn from this sage advice!
I ask each guest for their Start Up Top Tip:
If you met someone this weekend who is thinking of starting an eCommerce business what would be your first tip for them?
Follow the links if you want to hear the advice being discussed in more detail.
Don’t go it alone:
- Andrew from Allergy Best Buys:
“Make friends with people who’ve done it. OR hire a good consultant. Will save you thousands! Just get out to some eCommerce events to meet some – the Direct Commerce Association is a great place to start in the UK.” - Eric from Beardbrand:
“Finding the right team! Business can be lonely and it is important to surround yourself with people who are philosophically aligned.”
It’s all about the customer (and the product is important too):
- Martin from Muck Munchers:
“Number 1 – look at your product, is it superior? is it niche? does it truely outperform? at least in some areas.
Number 2 – make sure you have a route to market for it” - Hilary from ECCO:
“Clearly define your customer
If you’re selling a product – trial it on Amazon or eBay first to see if anyone wants it” - Andy from Home Leisure Direct:
“Tighten your product range. Sell a clear niche rage of products, and one that excites you
Find the right customer segment to target” - John from Beads Direct:
“Understand the market you are going into. Do as much pre-launch research as possible. What does your customer want?” - Katherine from Plums Lingerie:
“Pick your product very carefully. Keep it simple, you don’t need 100s of lines, avoid lots of sizing!” - Sebastian from HoneyTree:
“Now-a-days the website platforms are so strong you need to find another barrier against new entrants and competitors so… you must make your product and service great” - Dave from Lick My Dip:
“Find a niche
Start to build a community
Build a relationship with suppliers” - Dorin from Bursa de Anvelope:
“I hope you know your product” - Tom from Goodbye Crutches:
“Define your customers from the beginning – know who you want to serve.”
Brand and Design:
- Judi from Mannequin Madness:
“Look at the eCommerce sites you like to shop at, and see what they do that you really like. Your website will need to speak to your brand.
Make sure you choose the right eCommerce platform to start on. Really do your due diligence on the functionality and the back end.” - William of Maxwell Scott Bags:
“Invest in your brand
Research your target market”
Practical Tips:
- Linda from Sugru:
“Get the analytics in place right from the start, so you have the data you need in the future” - Zak from Prezzybox:
“Have a plan.
Don’t be afraid to outsource.
Use as many of the free/cheap tools as you can before starting to spend.” - Phil from Guthy Renker:
“Start small & measure
give yourself a chance to deliver to the customer, and measure the effectiveness of every marketing method. Then you’ll know how to grow.” - James from The Pyjama Store:
“Don’t buy too much stock to start with – buy in accordance with the momentum of the business
Get an accountant” - Pascal from Electric Tobacconist:
“Research and learn about all aspects of how your website works. Search, content, social media, etc so that you understand the lingo to better run your team and business.” - Sue from Blacker Yarns:
“Research your market” - Bonnie from Miso Tasty:
“Design your delivery process and test it to make sure the customer will get a great service and experience.” - Rohan from Wet Shave Club:
“Is what you’re selling something someone else is making a lot of money selling already? If not, don’t do it.” - Kritika from MyArtGallery:
“Focus on the core – keep your website simple, and get selling”
Just do it!
- Val from Lifestyle Labs:
“Just Do It
if you know it makes sense, just get on with it – no beta, no testing, just go for it” - Alex from Serious Readers:
“Work out if an idea is an opportunity by getting it out early and if it gets traction it is likely to be an opportunity.”
If you’d like to hear the latest recommendations from our guests – then just visit our podcast page to listen right now, or find out how to subscribe.