eCMP Facebook Photo Comp!!
Over the summer lots of people have been commenting how portable the new books are and how they’re taking them off on holiday with them! (well they are designed to fit in your handbag/manbag).
I’ve also recently built the eCommerce MasterPlan Facebook Page. So I got to thinking about the advice I give all the inner circle members about Facebook….
Which is – you need to create campaigns that get people engaging with you content, and one of the top things people like to engage with on Facebook is themselves. Yes, humans are all self-obsessed, but for marketers on Facebook that’s a good thing because if you can get people taking pictures of themselves with your products – they’ll interact with them.
So… if my readers are taking my books all over the place, that sounds like an excuse for an eCommerce MasterPlan Facebook Photo Competition!
All you have to do is:
- take a photo of you, with one of my books (doesn’t matter which) somewhere interesting
- post that photo to the eCommerce MasterPlan Facebook page
- vote on which photos you like
The winners will be picked at the end of October, and all entries must be in by midnight Friday 18th October – so you’ve plenty of time to get posting.
Here’s some ideas for where you could take your picture with one of the books:
- in your warehouse
- with your whole team
- at a conference
- with someone famous
- at a cool location
- somewhere unusual
- somewhere far away
If you don’t yet have one of the books you can get them here. Anyone going for the pre-order offers, you will have the books in plenty of time to get your entry in!
Oh, and not forgetting the prizes:
- 1 x 3 months Free membership of the eCommerce MasterPlan Silver level inner circle (worth £441)
- 1 x Free access to Create your eCommerce MasterPlan (worth £199)