Delicious Coffee’s Simon Rigby – Startup Growth, Offline Marketing, and Customer Focus (episode 106)

Simon Rigby is the founder of Delicious Coffee. Simon is a coffee lover who’s turned that passion into an online only business selling delicious coffee, and everything you need to make it. He launched in early 2016 and now has over 1,000 customers.

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delicious coffee podcast
About the business

  • eCommerce Business Structure – Online Only
  • Product Range Scale – niche
  • Based in Dorset, UK – selling only to the UK market
  • On the Shopify Platform
  • Widgets:
    • Bold for quantity discounts
    • Feefo for reviews
  • Team: everything is done by Simon, bar the roasting of the coffee beans.

Listen to learn how reviews, even negative ones, can help your business.

Getting Started

Two years ago, Simon sold his previous business selling office stationery and woke up wondering what to do with himself. He decided on coffee because he’d always wanted to do coffee on the internet. The slowest part of starting Delicious Coffee was finding a good, reliable supplier and coffee roaster who knew what they were doing.

Managing and learning about the product range

Delicious Coffee started with only selling coffee, but there was a demand for other items like coffee makers and receptacles. Simon has slimmed the product line down to coffee and the only the most important and best coffee-making equipment.

Listen to learn the different avatars of coffee-drinkers.

Most Awesome Thing Right Now

The most awesome thing is the awesome coffee. SImon does five blended coffees which are all absolutely delicious. He does three different espressos that taste like you are sitting on a street in Rome. He also has six to seven specialist coffees from all around the world. Like single-malt whiskey, these special coffees come from a particular farm in a particular country for a deliciously unique taste.

Listen to learn about Simon’s teamwork with his roaster to ensure the most perfect coffee.

On the Radar for the Coming Months

On Simon’s radar for the near future is teaming up with other specialty food companies to trade inserts. He’s on the hunt for wine, chocolate, or cheese companies who are willing to put an insert of his coffee into their outgoing boxes, while he returns the favor in his own outgoing boxes.

If you would like to swap inserts with Simon, head over the eCommerce MasterPlan World Facebook page to connect.

eCommerce Book Top Tip

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip

  • Bounceback parcel inserts

Tool Top Tip

  • Simon makes use of spreadsheets and Facebook, but there’s no single tool that he couldn’t work without

Start Up Top Tip

  • Don’t over complicate it. Keep it simple to start with, then start adding in more products later if you want to.

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