The Person in Personalisation: How to Humanize the eCommerce Customer Experience with author David Mannheim (episode 525)

David Mannheim is the author of “The Person in Personalisation: The Story Of How Marketing’s Most Treasured Possession Became Anything but Personal”. AND founder of Made With Intent. 

David Mannheim AUTHOR - The Person in Personalisation on eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast

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Dive in: 

[05:38] Debate over email subject lines’ impact importance. 
[08:18] Feeling nickel-and-dimed; brands lack personalization empathy. 
[11:24] In-store vs. online: personalization, empathy difference. 
[13:16] Personalization: Familiarity, acknowledgment, care, intimacy, authenticity, listening. 
[19:31] Brands should prioritize personalization for customer retention. 
[23:12] Framework created; personalization start routes explored. 
[24:30] Understanding intent personalizes communication in eCommerce. 
[25:51] Listen to David’s Top Tips! 

Personalisation is More Than Data 

True personalisation involves more than just algorithms and recommendations. It requires an empathetic, human-centered approach. Many brands merge personalisation with segmentation or product recommendations. David says that personalisation should reflect genuine care. It should focus on familiarity, acknowledgment, care, intimacy, authenticity, and listening. Brands must aim to make interactions feel personal, not just transactional. 

Empathy Drives Long-Term Loyalty 

Empathy is key to building lasting customer relationships. Yet it’s often overlooked in favor of short-term gains. David highlights how brands often prioritize conversion rates over retention. This actually undermines long-term loyalty. He shares Netflix’s 10-year journey to connect personalisation with retention as a case study in the patience and strategy required to create lasting value for customers. 

Understand Customer Intent 

Tailoring communication and offers based on where a customer is in their journey creates better experiences. David says that many eCommerce brands assume all customers are ready to buy, leading to aggressive tactics. By understanding intent, brands can align their strategies to meet customers where they are. This fosters trust and reduces friction. 

Start with Small, Meaningful Actions 

Personalisation doesn’t need complex strategies to begin. Small gestures, like using a name, can go a long way. The first step to personalisation is acknowledging the customer’s identity. David uses the example of Butternut Box, which asks for the customer’s pet’s name. This simple gesture builds trust and emotional connection, reinforcing that the brand values the relationship beyond just a sale. 

Personalisation Takes Time 

Effective personalisation requires long-term investment and strategic thinking. Brands must resist the urge to focus solely on immediate ROI metrics like conversion rates. Instead, they should embrace personalisation as a journey toward deeper customer loyalty and advocacy.

eCommerce Book Top Tip 

eCommerce Traffic Top Tip 

  • TikTok 

Tool Top Tip 

  • Chrome extension Data Slayer 

Carbon Top Tip 

  • David’s top tip for reducing carbon footprint is to choose more sustainable travel options, like trains over planes, as inspired by Chloe herself. 

Interview links 

*Thank you to Sam and Isabelle of Talon.One for the guest introduction! 

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