2015 Highlights Show 2: Content Marketing and Social Media (episode 030)
I decided it would be great to end the year with a couple of highlights podcasts. Pulling together what our interviewees had to say about some key topics to give you a quick-fire resource for building your business in 2016.
Last time we focused on New Customer Acquisition and Repeat purchase (with a heavy dose of customer service!).
And in this episode we’re going to continue the ‘how to grow’ theme by looking at the power of content and social media to grow your business.
Please do use these highlights shows to jump back and re-listen (or listen for the first time) to an interview we’re featuring here to get a clearer idea of what you can do in your business in 2016.
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Here’s the list of who we’ve featured in this highlights show – if you want to hear the whole of their interview, just follow the links.
Content Marketing and Social Media Highlights
Content marketing and social media are inextricably linked, and remain a hot topic in eCommerce:
- Tom from Goodbye Crutches discusses how they use personas to make their site content highly relevant to the customer ~ listen to the full interview
- Zak from Prezzybox talks about his new ‘kid pundits’ content campaign ~ listen to the full interview
- Judi of Mannequin Madness explains her new DIY instructions guides ~ listen to the full interview
- Pascal of Electronic Tobacconist talks through how he manages to spend 2 hours every day writing content ~ listen to the full interview
- John from Beads Direct shares his tips for successful social media activity ~ listen to the full interview
- Bonnie from Miso Tasty explains how she’s used social media and PR to grow her business ~ listen to the full interview
- Rohan of Wet Shave Club with a quick tip on identifying influencers and getting them to talk about your product ~ listen to the full interview
- Eric from Beardbrand talks about his ‘Team Beardbrand’ project ~ listen to the full interview
- Tom from Goodbye Crutches explains how being a podcast guest is a great was to increase eCommerce sales ~ listen to the full interview