14 Ways to Increase your Conversion on the Product page [eCommerce Infographic]

The humble product page has soooooo much impact on your sales, and I love the 14 points that are outlined in this infographic.

  1. High-quality images
  2. Zoom-in system
  3. Highlight discounts
  4. 360 view or multiple view images
  5. Product Videos
  6. Original product descriptions
  7. Clear Call-to-Action
  8. Shipping taxes available and visable
  9. Returns policy available and visible
  10. Consumer reviews
  11. Scarcity and rarity
  12. Recommendation system
  13. Social proof
  14. Trust certificates

Plus they’ve analysed performance on these factors by country – sorry Australia, you’re lagging behind – time to get it sorted out and start enjoying those sales!

14 Ways to Increase your Conversion on the Product pageSCALED

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